• mamdouh.wahba@gmail.com

  • +20225258458

مؤتمر الشرق الاوسط الخامس لصحة المراهقين



19-22 November 2023
Amman, Jordan
(new location)







Welcome Note

On behalf of the Arab Coalition for Adolescent Health and Medicine, it is our great pleasure to invite you to join us in Amman during the period 19-22 November 2023 for the 5th MENA Region Adolescent Health Conference.

Adolescent health and wellbeing is key on the global health agenda this year, and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, we are blessed to have such a large youthful population. Investing in their health and wellbeing is key to our region’s long-term future, productivity, and economic growth. Our theme this year is “Engage adolescents: get the best out of them”, where you will come to see genuine adolescent and youth engagement and participation.

Please join us as multisectoral professionals and youth come together to address the most pressing issues facing adolescents, learn from each other, and propose necessary actions to advance the health and wellbeing of adolescents in our region.
We look forward to welcoming you in Amman!

Fadia S. AlBuhairan
President, Arab Coalition for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Chair of the Steering Committee, 5th MENA Region Adolescent Health Conference


رسالة ترحيب

نيابة عن التحالف العربي لصحة وطب المراهقين ، يسعدنا أن ندعوكم للانضمام إلينا في عمان خلال الفترة 19-22 نوفمبر 2023 لحضور المؤتمر الخامس لصحة المراهقين في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.

تعد صحة المراهقين ورفاههم عنصرا أساسيا في جدول أعمال الصحة العالمية هذا العام، وفي منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا نحن محظوظون بوجود هذا العدد الكبير من المراهقين والشباب. فإن الاستثمار في صحتهم ورفاهيتهم هو عنصرا أساسيا لمستقبل منطقتنا وازدهارها. موضوعنا هذا العام هو “إشراك المراهقين: لنحصل على أفضل النتائج منهم” ، حيث سترون مشاركة حقيقية للمراهقين والشباب.

تفضلوا معنا للمؤتمر وبحضور نخبة مميزة من الخبراء والأكاديميون والباحثون من تخصصات وقطاعات مختلفة وكذلك الشباب لمعالجة القضايا الأكثر الحاحا التي تواجه المراهقين في منتقطنا واقتراح الإجراءات اللازمة للنهوض بصحتهم ورفاهيتهم.

نرحب بكم في عمان!

وتقبلوا فائق تقديري واحترامي…
فادية بنت صالح البحيران


Themes of the Conference



Engage Adolescents: Get the best out of them





Steering Committee

    Prof. Fadia AlBuhairan (Chair)
    Health Sector Transformation Program, Saudi Arabia

    Dr. Umaiyeh Khammash (Co-Chair)
    Juzoor, Palestine

    Dr. Mamdouh Wahba
    Egyptian Society of Adolescent Medicine, Egypt

    Dr. Beatrice Khater
    American University of Beirut, Lebanon

    Dr. Abdallah Hanatleh  
     Forearms of Change Center to Enable Community, Jordan


Organizing Committee

    Ms. Jennifer Dabis (Chair)
    Juzoor for Health & Social Development, Palestine

    Dr. Abdallah Hanatleh (Co-Chair)
    Forearms of Change Center to Enable Community, Jordan

    Ms. Haneen Abu Murah
    Forearms of Change Center to Enable Community, Jordan

    Ms. Majd Hardan
    Juzoor for Health & Social Development, Palestine

    Ms. Sireen Khammash  
    Juzoor for Health & Social Development, Palestine

    Dr. Beatrice Khater
    American University of Beirut, Lebanon


Scientific Committee Members

    Dr. Naser Al-Salmani (Chair)
    Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman

    Mr. Abdulwahab Salad (Co-Chair)
    Somali National University, Somalia

    Dr. Abdullah Ali Rajab (Co-Chair)
    Kuwait institute for Medical Specialization, Kuwait

    Dr. Beatrice Khater
    American University of Beirut, Lebanon

    Dr. Ghada Anwar
    Cairo University, Egypt

    Dr. Bassam Abu Hamad
    Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE), Palestine

    Dr. Shahenaz Najjar
    KU Leuven, Belgium




The conference will be held in Amman at the To Be Announced Soon (TBA)



The Organizing Committee has booked a number of rooms at the following hotels for the period 18 – 23 November for participants interested in staying with a special reduced rate.

   * Hotel and Link for reservations will be announcement soon 




General Information



Most Arabic countries do not need a VISA to Jordan while others are provided on the spot. To make sure, kindly access the below link for visa information.



Weather in Amman in November is usually pleasant getting on the colder side. Bring sweater and light jackets especially at night. You can expect maximum average daytime temperatures of around 20°C (68°F) and nighttime temperatures around 9°C (48°F).

Current Weather – Amman, Jordan



    * Adolescent engagement
    * Promoting healthy lifestyles among adolescents
    * Good health and optimal nutrition
    * Safety and supportive environment
    * New trends in adolescent health (using the Virtual World)
    * Sexual and reproductive health and rights
    * Adolescent psychosocial and mental health
    * Adolescents in conflict-affected areas
    * Agency and resilience

The submitted abstract should be:
    * Related to one of the topics of the conference
    * Submitted in a PDF or Word document format
    * Inclusive of the list of authors, the presenter’s name, email, and his/her title
    * Structured in the following manner: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Key results, and Conclusions)
    * 400 words maximum, clear, concise, and written in English
    * Font type ” Arial ” and font size “12”
    * Figures and tables should not be included in the abstract.

Abstracts should be sent to: 5thacahmscientific23@gmail.com

Key Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2023
Abstract acceptance date: 15 Sept 2023
Conference registration deadline: 20 Oct 2023
Inquiries: Send your questions to: 5thacahmscientific23@gmail.com


Partners and Collaborators